
My name is Norman, I’m a happily married father from Australia. My family is the perfect nuclear number, one woman, one boy, one girl and of course one cocktail man.

I started this website because I wanted to learn how to mix drinks and bought a cocktail mixing kit I searched drinks I could start with and used my wife as a taste tester (trust me, she enjoys this part of process). After some time, I decided I wanted to start a website, specially a blog and that I should write about cocktail recipes and share what I learned.

Full disclosure incoming… I have no bartending experience!

I’ve actually never been in a hospitality role in my professional career and while I’m being honest, I used to only drink socially and that was well into my twenties. My main passion writing and researching. I’ve worked both domestically and abroad teaching English and have over ten years’ experience in corporate call center roles.

I hope to create and share simple and digestive articles for cocktail recipes, teach a little history or share a bit about myself in my mixology journey. I certainly hope you’ll stay with me on this adventure.

Please check my recipes here!